Friday, November 7, 2008

Moving to Rochester

I pictured it a bit differently. I thought I would get to have my Mary Tyler Moore moment where I’d twirl around in slow motion, toss my black & blue beret and throw all caution to the wind to let all of Rochester know I finally arrived, but in reality…yea, not so much.

Instead my first week here in Rochester has been less than stellar. I assume it’s because I have no friends, no family, no pet and no one to wake up to in the morning. As well as, no car, no cable, no internet, essentially no interaction with the real world. I explored the two block radius near and around the apartment building/retirement community I’m living in for about the first 5 days, only to discover the one thing in walking distance was the local Wegman’s- which is the most amazing supermarket on the planet, but is no help to a girl in desperate need of a manicure.

Thank god for my girls to help me through this difficult time though. Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda…Yes, I watched the ENTIRE six seasons of Sex and the City back to back. Still gives me a warm fuzzy feeling that those two crazy kids, Carrie and Big, found a way to work it out. *sigh*

Maybe happy endings do exist, and maybe I’ll find mine in Rochester. Either way, I look forward to week two and also getting that much needed manicure. In the meantime, during these tough transitional periods I find myself wondering, what would Mary Tyler Moore do? Yea, sure she had a way better wardrobe and better hair then me, but I’ve got something MTM never had… my own blog!


Frank Wetmore II said...

Give it time... your MTM moment may yet come!

Anonymous said...

You're gonna make it after all!